March 30, 2014

Next Stop Johnson Town

Two weeks ago we made a stop in Johnson Town.  Johnson Town is located in Spokane, WA on the third floor of Grandma and Papa's house.   It is a model train town built with love which quickly captivated our Grady (again).  Grady would wake up from every sleep asking for "train train train."  He learned how to control the train and Papa showed him that if he pushes the throttle forward the train will go faster and told him to say "more power".  He became obsessed with the train and even ran it so hard it started smoking one time and needed a nap. Sitting on Grandma and Papa's lap running the train was undoubtedly Grady's highlight of the weekend. Weeks later Grady still walks around the house pumping his first forward saying "more power" and "uh-oh tree fell" (remembering the tragic event when a tree fell on the train track).  I have a feeling Johnson Town is going to be a favorite memory for our little boy for years to come.

The other parts of our Spokane visit outside of Johnson Town were equally wonderful.  We made a visit to the park, ate lunch at an old fashioned hamburger joint called Hogans, rode the carousel, made a couple trips down the giant red wagon slide, and had lots of laughs and as many cuddles as Grady could give.  It was a very special time and pretty much the perfect weekend.  Thank you Grandma and Papa for loving on Grady and us so much.  We love you!

                                                                                This face?!?!

Grady's important pine cone collecting mission. 

Knock on wood, but this guy made our flight home a breeze.  The flight there was a little touch and go with Grady getting up and down up and up and down and wanting to say hi and talk to everyone on the plane. For the flight back we enjoyed an extra seat and strapped him in and it was like night and day.  Restraints are key from here on out.  Happy travels little guy.

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