May 20, 2013

Mother's Day Extravaganza

I had an amazingly perfect Mother's Day. I'll soak this one up because I am sure there will be hiccups in the future ones.  The Johnsons came for the weekend and for the first time since our wedding, the Whitfields, the Junior Johnsons, and the original Johnsons were in Boise together and the city did not disappoint.  We were blessed with temperatures in the 90s, pink little baby cheeks, and lots of good time enjoying the outdoors. 

Papa loving on the G buddy.

Grady trying out Cam's birthday present. He loved it so much, we got him one of his own for his birthday. Thanks for doing the research for us, E!

Papa's inventive way of "kicking" the ball.  If the baby won't move his own legs, just move the whole baby!

Testing out his Christmas wagon.  He loved it!

We got to celebrate this adorable one turning ONE!  We love you Cam man.  You are one awesome kid.

When the dog days of summer come and the only thing you want to do is play in the dogdish, it is time to bring the bathub outside.

No luck at the pond, but it was still fun trying

These boys, I just love them together.   Grady is always looking to see what Cam is going to do next.

Sophie is SO SWEET with cousin Grady.    

Grady the drink stealer is on the loose again.

We have officially entered the "yup, a kid lives at this house" stage of life.

And after a little reminder from a dear friend (thanks Dina), I realized that I need to get in the picture more often too!  So here I am with my boys and my favorite puppy. 

When I see this:
And this:

I cannot help put picture a similar game of catch in 30 years.

Thanks for coming to visit Grandma and Papa, we had a blast as always!

I also got to sneak in some pedicures and a lunch with my own mom and dinner with my stepmom.  It really was a Mother's Day Extravaganza.  Watching  and learning from our moms, sisters, and our friends has truly made me a better mom.  A belated happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms that I have the privilege to be around. 

I cannot express how much this little boy has changed my life. I love being a mom and I especially love being his mom.  Thanks for making me a mama Grady.  You have made me a better person.  I love you!


  1. Love. Love. Love. (and +1 to the Joovy tricycle...we got it for Landon's first birthday in green, of course)!

  2. Yay! What a beautiful mothers day for a beautiful family!
