July 7, 2013

Grady: 10 and 11 Months

By the time I got around to thinking about doing Grady's ten month post he was knocking on the door of 11 months so I figured I would kill two birds with one stone.  Maybe I never got around to doing the post because we are chasing around our walker!  Grady has us on our toes these days as he waddles around the house looking for new adventures. 

Grady tid bits at 10 & 11 months
  • On the unofficial Johnson scales he weighs 22.8 pounds.
  • His two front teeth started coming in right about the 10 month mark.  He now has a 5th tooth poking through at the top.  His smile is so different with teeth! 
  • He has the Gorczyca Gap, the gap between his two front teeth looks just like mine when I was a baby.
  • "My fair Grady" (get it?) has developed quite the farmer's tan.  Maybe he is not as see-through as I once thought.
  • He took his first steps a couple days before his 10 month birthday.  For about three weeks he'd bravely take 5-10 steps and then fall with a proud smile.  About two weeks ago, I came home from work and the light had gone on and he was suddenly a full time walker. 
  • He LOVES walking and is so proud of himself you can just tell.  He ditched crawling like a bad habit and now only crawls to get under things.
  • He has not learned that if you crawl to get under something you cannot stand to get back out.  This has resulted in many tears.
  • He laughs and laughs if either Chris or I chase him around the house saying "I'm gonna get you."  
  • He waives bye-bye most the time and a lot of the time it is backwards (palms toward him). 
  • He is an eating machine.  I get annoyed because I cannot keep up with trying to fill his plate when I am trying to eat dinner. 
  • Avocados, watermelon, pineapple, hot dogs, and cheese are at the top of his favorite list along with the Gerber cheese doodles (basically Cheetos for babies, don't judge me). 
  • He drinks water out of a sippy cup and then throws it down at Bella who is for once the innocent victim.  
  • If we tell him "no no no" he shakes his head back and forth with a big smile and laughs at us.  Not easy to discipline him when he is trying to stick his finger in an electric socket and only laughs when I tell him NO in my firmest voice. 
  • He has attached to his "froggy", a mini blanket with a frog head on it, and nuzzles and coos to it at night.
  • He sleeps with his butt in the air a lot of times and it is the cutest thing ever.
  • He loves the pool, his bath, the hose, and pretty much anything with water.  
  • He is still a jumping bean.  We know he is awake because we can hear him holding on to the side of the crib repeatedly jumping up and down.  My mom counted 200 jumps in one session the other day, we are not kidding, the kid is a jumper. 
  • He LOVES Bella and cries sometimes when she leaves the room.
  • Anything Bella related is a hit with him, her water bowl, her balls, you name it.  If Bella has slobbered all over it, it is sure to attract Grady.
  • He sits in grocery carts like a big kid.  I have loved this change because it has freed up about 75% of my cart space.
  • I won't pretend that he is perfect, the kid is fit thrower and lets just say I know where to find the aisle at the grocery store with the Gerber baby Cheetos to appease my fit thrower. I also have about 5 cans of partially eaten baby Cheetos due to this fact.
  • He doesn't have any real words yet, except Dada is debatable, but he sure thinks he is talking to us as he babbles around the house.
  • He loves physical play.  A laugh is guaranteed if you throw him in the air, pull him to the ground when he is trying to get away, hang him by his feet, or pretend to drop him.
  • Changing the kid is still my most dreaded part of the day.  I swear someone is going to call child protective services on us based on his screams. 
  • He will only sit still in two circumstances: 1) if he is eating in his high chair and 2) if he is in something that is moving.  Aside from those two circumstances, as long as he is awake, he is on the move.
  • Music moves his soul and he certainly "dances" to his own beat (see video below).
At eleven months Grady is active as ever and fun as can be. He is inquisitive, a bit of a firecracker, completely fearless, strong-willed, constantly in motion, and incredibly loved.  Grady the countdown to your big 1.0 is on.  I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. Time flies when you are having fun and chasing after Grady.

Despite my lack of blogging at least I took pictures of his at ten months exactly.  He was learning to stand and would take a couple of steps at a time. 

I think that he is most happy when he is walking because he can now carry things from place to place.  He'll walk around the house for an hour with whatever weird new obsession he has.  Here it is a chip clip, awesome stuff.

Pointing is also big in his book. I don't know if he is trying to ask what something is or what, but it sure is cute. 

 Cold water from the hose doesn't phase this kid.  

My two white babies.  Grady is on the prowl for Bella's ball. 

He loves his trike, which we call a bike.

Had to take some photos for his birthday invitation. 

 The pool boy.

Little buns, big head.

 I cannot believe that this boy will be 1 year old in less than a month. I will admit it, I am a little weepy about the whole thing.
Music moves his soul and inspires some pretty cool dance moves.

After taking 6 or 7 steps at a time for a couple weeks, I came home to find this one day and he has not looked back.  I may or may not have cried when it became so physically apparent how much he is changing every day.  There is something about walking that makes him such a little boy now. 

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