June 3, 2013

NC Part 1: Life's a Beach!

My sister is my favorite person in the world.  Although she lives across the country, we still talk a few times a week mainly on my drive into work, but it is pretty rare that we see each other these days. This is why a weekend in North Carolina with the Ericksons was so special.  They are not easy to get to, but they are worth the travel!  Besides them being awesome, just look at where they live!  I am desperate for them to come back to Boise some day (please!), but I can see why they love North Carolina so much.  Here is installment #1 of our trip,  too many good beach pics to choose from.  Erin and Andy live near the outer banks and have a great boat which allowed us to go out and pick an isolated beach to have almost all to ourselves.

Grady boy got his first boat ride and seemed to love it.  Upon arrival, he kept reaching down towards the water.  I wasn't really ready for him to get wet and worried he'd be cold because the water was not warm, but he wouldn't let up.  So I let him down and Grady confirmed, he is still a water boy. The water is shallow where we were so he could crawl around in it.  Let me tell you, he would have crawled out to sea if he could.  This kid loves the water!

Erin's boy are THE most adorable beach boys.  They are true North Carolina boys and love to fish and crab and play at the beach. 

Fishing is definitely on top of Owen's favorite activities list.   He looks like he is meant to fish if you ask me.  I think Chris had a little soft spot for him because of this.

As a result of this fishing, the boys (and the men) caught some bait fish to use in the crab cages.  Grady was obsessed with the fish and only wanted to stand over the bucket and grab the fish.  Tyler was sweet and would hold the bucket so that Grady wouldn't tip it over and would grab fish to show Grady.  I looked away for a bit and came back to Grady trying to put it in his mouth!  A live fish in his mouth, I should have known better. 

The crab pots paid off and we caught a few little guys.  So fun!

 I love my boys. 

 The only time that I could even attempt to get all three boys in a picture was at lunch.    Picnics at the beach are the good stuff of life.

Somebody found a friend with strawberries. 

Our walker boy loved tromping around on the sands.  

He even surprised us while we were in North Carolina by taking his first few steps!   It was really sweet because his first steps were to go see Aunt Erin.  He loves her just as much as I do.  Slow down Grady, you are growing up way too fast!

And a great beach day results in a passed out Grady on the way home.  He slept the whole boat ride home.

Thank you for sharing your treasured piece of the coast with us.  We built memories that I will never forget!  


  1. Looks like you had a great time, and wonderful weather. Grady walked, so exciting.

  2. Go Grady go! What a beautiful place to take his first steps!

  3. Ah man...way too much cuteness in one post! I can't believe he started walking! Growing up way to fast!
